January 1 — New Year
January 14 — Day of defenders of the Native land
March 8 — International Women’s Day
March 21 — Navruz
May 9 — Day of memory and honor
September 1 — Independence Day
October 1 — Day of teachers and instructors
December 8 — The Constitution Day

Is the first day of New Year. New Year is widely celebrated worldwide and at various times year. A symbol of New Year is the Grandfather a frost and the Snow Maiden, and also the dressed up fur-tree. Exactly at midnight from 31st December till 1st January, when hours solemnly beat 12 hours, there comes long-awaited New Year. People at this time celebrate and widely mark this holiday with native and close behind the covered elegant table. Also gifts and surprises are traditionally presented each other.
Day of defenders of the Native land (January, 14th)
This holiday in independent Uzbekistan is celebrated in honor of creation of own Army forces. The parliament of the country on 14th January, 1992 has made a decision on transition of all parts and connections, military educational institutions and other military formations deployed in territory of the country, under jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So the beginning was necessary to creation of own Army forces. On 29th December, 1993 January 14th has been declared by Day of defenders of the Native land.
Women’s day (March, 8th)
The international women’s day is a holiday of beauty, tenderness and feminity. On March, 8th also it is known as “ Mothers day”. People celebrate this holiday, as a holiday of love, kindness and beauty. We are once again convinced and deeply we realize, concepts of Spring and the Woman as they supplement each other are how much harmonious. The nature not has disposed of gift so, that the female holiday coincides in the first days of spring as beauty of the woman compare to a gentle flower. Men give this day to the mothers, wives and daughters flowers and gifts with sincere wishes.

Navruz (March, 21st)
The most ancient national holiday Navruz («Holiday Navruz»), in translation with Persian Navruz designates «new day». Navruz which is marked{celebrated} on March, 21st, it is considered the beginning of new year. As is known on March, 21st is a day a spring equinox. Day length and nights is identical — 12 hours. On March 21st the Earth enters during the World astronomical equality. And still, this day seasons on hemispheres vary, if in a southern hemisphere there comes autumn, northern — spring. This holiday is celebrated in the beginning of spring when all plants and trees blossom and get a new spring kind. In the beginning of this holiday many Uzbek family prepare for national dishes such as: Sumalak, Halim, Somsa from plant, Pilov and others. These Uzbek dishes contain many vitamin substances which are useful to a human body.
With the obtaining of the country’s independence ancient customs and traditions of Uzbek people have revived, holiday Navruz also has been restored, and celebrating has got new scope and depth. It became a national holiday of friendship, unification, brotherhood of all people. In the bright dramatized representations of philosophic and poetic judgment of Navruz, it places in national history reveals. Now Navruz is celebrating annually on Alisher Navoi’s square.

Day of memory and honor (May, 9th)
In 1999 majestic Square of Memory has been opened in capital of Uzbekistan on 9th May and since then Day of memory and honor on May, 9th is celebrated. This holiday in independent Uzbekistan is celebrated in honour of memory of our compatriots which during centuries heroically, self-denyingly protected our native territory, its freedom and independence, a peace life of our people.
Concept «Day of Memory and honors» has very deep sense. This famous day a duty is to recollect and glorify those people who took part in fights against fascism, showed heroism and sacrificed a life in the name of protection of the Native land, and also such national heroes as Tumaris, Shiroq, Spitamen, Jaloliddin Maguberdi, Najmiddin Kubro, Namoz-batir which have sacrificed the life in the name of freedom of which during centuries people dreamed, to recollect such self-denying representatives of our nation as Kadiri, Behbudi, Munavar-kori, Chulpon, Avloniy, Fitrat, Usman Nosir.
People esteems that who has taken place through many tests and difficulties in a life, has not regretted the life in the name of the Native land, and senior generation, which and today among us.

Day of independence (September, 1st)
The main national holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the Day Independence. This holiday is celebrated annually on the 1st September, is ceremonial and colorful. This national holiday personifies all dreams and expectations of all Uzbek people which lean on main principles friendliness, solidarity, charity, mutual respect.
Representatives of the various nations living in Uzbekistan, despite of a nationality, religion, the social status all actively celebrate a holiday in each street, the area and the people living in mahallas and in regions.
Representatives of art arrange various shows on the areas, and also in parks of city. Many foreign visitors and tourists participate in various unforgettable traditional entertainments and representations.

Day of teachers and instructors (October, 1st)
Annually on the 1st October in Uzbekistan Day of Teachers and Instructors is solemnly celebrated. The deep respect for the teacher has taken roots in our territory during old times. «Domlo», «Muallim», «Ustoz» — these words during many centuries with gratitude and respect the pupils received from the teachers not only knowledge on subject matters said, but also manuals about the valid attitude to people, love to the Native land, about high morals and spirituality.
Pupils of schools and educational institutions deeply esteem all those who have given them the first vital knowledge. This day pupils with gratitude give flowers and gifts.

The Constitution Day (December, 8th)
The constitution is the main law of the state, the document which possesses a high validity. The constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is accepted by the Oliy Majlis on 8th December, 1992. The constitution consists of 6 sections, 26 chapters and 128 article. This holiday is celebrated across all Uzbekistan, and carries out various actions, devoted to the constitution day.
Ramadan Hayit (Iyd ul Fitr) and Qurbon Hayit (Iyd ul Adha) are also the national holidays, but dates of celebration depend on the Lunar Calendar in each year.
Ramadan Hayit (Iyd ul Fitr)
This holiday is known as Ruza Hayit, it coincides with 9-th month (Hidjriy) on a Muslim calendar. This holiday includes religious practice as Ruza which lasts 30 days and it is considered a ceremony of spiritual and moral purification. Conditions of the ceremony the following: from sunrise up to decline not to eat food and also water; will be kept from evil thoughts, assumptions; with all surrounding to be in respect and make whenever possible more than goods to associates.
After performance of this ceremony last day the holiday which lasts three days — Ramadan Hayit begins. The first day of a holiday «Ramadan Hayit» is considered not working day, and all establishments have a vocation in this holiday.

Qurbon Hayit (Iyd ul Adha)
Religious holiday Qurbon Hayit this is the one of the greatest holidays in the World which is celebrated by Moslems. Sources of this holiday are ancient histories which are connected with prophet Ibrohim who in honor of the belief wished to sacrifice to «Allah» of the own son, but his actions have stopped kind spirits and instead of this have told to him to sacrifice other animals such as: sheep, camels, etc. Since this moment all Moslems began to sacrifice animals in these holidays. The holiday lasts three days and these days all Moslems celebrate this holiday with their family with natives and close. Especially in these holidays people visit native and close, and also sick and requiring in the help. The first day of a holiday «Qurbon Hayit» is considered not working day, and all establishments have a vocation in this holiday.