Khumsan is a large mountain village, which is located in the Tashkent region, Bostanlyk district, to 105 kilometers from the capital. Situated at the western extremity of the most beautiful place of Ugam ridge near the southern slope of Karzhantau, near the river of Ugam, it takes almost 15 hectares of Ugam-Chatkal Reserve square.
Climatic conditions are typical for the foothills as well as for the mountainous terrain. Cold and wet winter, with a plenty of snow, and peak temperatures up to — 15 C. Summer is used to be prolonged, hot, with a peak temperature of + 40 C. However, the nearby river together with Charvak reservoir that is located only 10 kilometers from this place, somewhat mitigate the climate and make it easier to transfer the heat. Spring and summer are characterized by a high rainfall, which almost always leads to landslides and mudflows.
The flora of the area is very diverse and includes 2,500 plants that are quite different — from the ephemeral to alpine meadows, depending on the height of growing. A great number plants of medicinal orientation, is kept into the Red Book. Thus, its collection is strictly restricted or banned completely.
From animals one will able to find here wild boars, bears, badgers, porcupines, foxes, wild dormice, diverse team of rats. More than 200 species of birds have chosen this place for permanent residence. Here amphibians and reptiles are also widely represented, including quite common and poisonous, for instance — gray viper.
Of fish, only marinka (a species of trout) is considered to be a native for these places, other species are “adapted immigrants”, who were often brought here by people.
According to unconfirmed data, the age of the village is supposed to be from 200 to 300 years, although the most ancient buildings did not have yet their 100 year anniversary. The main reason is the village has to constantly move because of frequent floods and landslides.
Etymology of the name of «Khumsan » is determined by two components: «hum» — a pitcher and «san» – was distorted from the word «Say» — a mountain stream. It is believed that the name came from the steep zigzag of Ugam River that outlined the pitcher, skirting the village.
According to another version, the second part — «san» is meaning of a stone. They say that because a what- that of the surrounding peaks’ similarity with the pitcher, this place was called as Khumsan .
The quantity of population of residents who live constantly in the village is of 3,3 thousand people. The majority of them are mostly ethnic Uzbeks But the specific conditions of living imposed a visible mark on the behavior and outlook of the villagers and presented them a soft murmuring voice. The inhabitants of Khumsan are distinguished with the infinite love towards nature, generosity and hospitality, the desire to preserve their historic roots and unique ethnic group.

Since time immemorial, people in villages used to live in close-knit community, the principal organ of which is considered to be a mahalla committee, through which various governmental and social programs are carried out. All the burning questions in the settlement can be resolved at the general gathering, under the direction of the selected chairman — one of the most competent local citizens.
Since ancient times the region’s population is engaged in agriculture, petty trade, construction, metalworking and crafts. However, after turning their surroundings into a recreation area (in the middle of last century), services offered to tourists were added to the main items of income.
The once extensive recreation area, launched here during the Soviet period, eventually fell into disrepair. A lot of pensions, children’s camps, motels and resorts started closing. But the number of people willing to relax in nature from year to year does not become less and residents of Khumsan try to support the status of the region doing their best. These days one of the most popular activities for the inhabitants of the village became the so-called «trestle-bed-tourism» — the provision of tourism services in private.
Nowadays ecological, ethnographic and landscape tourism is thriving in Khumsan . Here one will be able to enjoy hiking and horseback riding through the mountains, fishing, swimming and air baths, relaxation in the conservation area.
A great deal of historic and natural attractions are of particular interest to tourists, such as ancient people and the medieval towns, high mountain fortresses, cemeteries and mausoleums, as well as numerous waterfalls and grottoes, caves and unusual natural anomalies, scenic gorges and infinitely beautiful mountain river. And, of course the pearl of this district that is located very close is the Charvak reservoir, which magnetically attracts all the arrivals to itself.
It is really so wonderful that such beautiful places exist! It is so nice that the tourists came to these places, they come here and will surely come, and nothing is able to prevent the courageous, inquisitive and cheerful people from a traveling here. Because everyone understands that: «Better than mountains can be only mountains …!»